Fixing Text That Doesn’t Work

The first task of writing may be creating an outline, getting your thoughts and ideas down on paper, or just diving into the actual writing. But at some point, it’s time to sit back and read what you’ve written, and like many writers, you find parts of your text that just ain’t right. What do

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What’s In It For The Reader

The moment you decided to write something, you make a number of tacit promises to your readers (assuming that there will be some). And your work isn’t finished until you fulfill those promises. Share This:

Your First Book

If you’re a new writer, there’s something you need to know. Your first draft will almost certainly be worse than any other drafts you create. Share This:

Your First Draft

There are many routes to getting a finished first draft. What’s important to understand is that your first draft is almost never your final draft. Share This:

Declutter Your Writing

There’s a current vogue about tidying up and decluttering one’s home or life. But sometimes, writers also need to do some decluttering to make reading easier on their audience. Share This:

A couple (of) …

This is a brief post on using the word “of” after the word “couple. Here’s an example from a web page called “How to Speak With a Convincing New Jersey Accent”. The second paragraph starts this way: A couple things you need to know before you get started: Notice that there’s no “of” after couple.

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Those Darn Writing Rules

You’ve heard the “rules”: 1) Start sentences with capital letters. 2) Never start a sentence with a conjunction. 3) End sentences with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. 4) Never end a sentence with a preposition, etc. But some of these rules aren’t actual writing rules? For some reason, someone made up several of

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Hook Your Reader

A hook is a grabber or attention-getter that cause a reader to stay with your writing instead of doing something else. It’s compelling enough that your work will take over a reader’s time. Share This: