Do You Wanna Write Good?

It’s reasonably difficult to define “good” writing. Many of the criteria are somewhat subjective. It’s even questionable whether good writing must meet all the grammar, spelling, and punctuation “rules”, especially if one of the aims of the written piece is to defy these rules. Share This:

How to Judge a Good (or Bad) Book

There are many judges when it comes to deciding whether a book is “good” (or not). First of all, do you, the author, like what you’ve written? Or was it just labor? Second, did you use an editor? What did he or she think? Finally, there’s the consumer. Did you get any direct feedback? Were

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Are You a Writer or an Editor?

Readers usually want high quality writing, which means that it’s both well-written and well-edited. But how do you accomplish both, so that your story comes through loud and clear? Share This:

First Things First: Your Book’s Title

What’s the first thing you see when you look at a book on a shelf or in a thumbnail online? The color? A graphic? Or, most often, the title. It’s the hook, the grabber that makes you want to pick up the book or look inside or read more. Share This:

Not Everyone Is a Writer

So, you want to be a writer, eh? The ability to write blogs and self-publish means that anyone can be a published author. The problem, though, is that while anyone and everyone can write, not everyone is a Writer. Share This:

The Beginning and the End

The Lead The first sentence in any work may well be the most important one. It needs to persuade a potential reader to move forward to the second sentence. This is even true of the beginning of a chapter or major section. Share This:

Write with a Consistent Style

The first thing to know about style is that style is how you write . In the long run, trying to copy, imitate, or mimic another author’s style will be ineffective, because it’s difficult to maintain the façade of being another author. And besides, it’s then not YOU who’s writing. Share This: