Imagine Your Writing

Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, it’s important for you to imagine what you’re writing about. Whether you’re describing an action scene or a process or a piece of knowledge, you need to be able to “see” an image of that in your mind’s eye. If you can’t see it, how do you expect your reader to?

One clever way to enhance this ability is to use the internet. Go to any site that has images (e.g., Google, YouTube) and type in the specific topic you’re thinking about. Look at as many images as you have time and/or patience for. It works almost all of the time. When you see an image that clicks with you, you’ll be in a better frame of mind to write about it or describe it.

And this process really works. Think about it. You see an image; you describe it as best you can as a writer; your reader reads your words and tries to imagine what you had in mind—what you saw. If your reader can effortlessly see your image, you’ve done some effective writing.

In the same way, when you’re researching a subject or topic, go to relatively reliable sources on the web (e.g., widipedia). The more information you gather and the more you understand, the easier it is to find the words to describe it or explain it, making you a more effective writer.


Not everyone is born with a vivid imagination, but everyone can take advantage of the visual resources on the internet. When you have a chance to actually see what you want to write about, and can describe it to the best of your ability, you enhance your writing skills many times.

Copyright © 2017 by Affordable Editing Services

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