Inspired Writing


Don’t write because you have to write something. Write because you have something to write. Write with inspiration; write on a topic or theme that you’re passionate about.

When you write with inspiration, the writing will be easier and the words will flow freely. It will feel effortless. No one has to tell you to write; in fact, it’s hard to keep from starting, and it’s hard to stop. Inspiration is a pulling force. You write from a “burn in your belly”. Your ideas and your writing occupy most if not all of your mental space.

So, an obvious question is: How can you become inspired? The most obvious answer is that you can’t. Inspiration comes from within; the word literally means “breathe in”, with the intent of breathing in some spirit or muse.

However, there are a number of things you can do to open yourself to inspiration. You can:

  • Read lots of books and online material — both fiction and non-fiction
  • Brainstorm with colleagues or friends
  • Watch people and, if possible, learn some of their stories
  • Get outside and enjoy nature — hike, bike, etc.
  • Stare at a blank screen or sheet of paper
  • Attend seminars, lectures, etc. — either live or online
  • Watch great shows — live, movies, TV — dramas, comedies, biographies
  • Listen to music that inspires you

Here’s a good idea to support your inspiration. Keep a writing pad and a pen or pencil with or near you all the time. That way, you can record an idea when it pops into your head, and you won’t lose it. If you’re more electronically inclined, use the voice or text feature on your mobile device. Remember, you’re not a writer only when you’re sitting in front of your pc or typewriter. When you’re inspired, you’re a writer anywhere and everywhere, and any time.

But, while inspiration is a good start, you need the passion and patience to see it through. Inspired writing doesn’t mean just starting, it doesn’t mean just jotting down ideas — you have to finish what you begin.

It also requires the ability to narrate, to tell a story — fiction or non-fiction. You have to write as if you were talking to one person or to a target audience. It’s not enough to just write text, you need to write with passion — not exaggerated flowery words, but the feeling your readers will get that you really wanted to share this story.

One effective way to do this is to create an outline — again for both non-fiction or fiction. An outline is your roadmap to success. If YOU don’t know where you’re going with your writing, how can you expect your readers to follow along?

So, what do you really want to write? What floats your boat? Will you mind rowing it for a while? Does it feel good? If you don’t feel the writing, more than just thinking the writing, then you may not be inspired. However, if and when you do, you’ll be in the spirit — or inspired.

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