Writing Begets Writing


The desire to write grows with writing. Erasmus

Things begets things like themselves. Dogs beget dogs. Laziness beget laziness. Worrying begets worrying. Obsessing begets obsessing. And kindness begets kindness. The same is true for writing.

The more you write, the more you want to write. And the more you write, the more creative and productive you become—and the easier and more natural it gets. And any self-doubts you had, or may have, get put aside. You’ll likely start to look for larger or more challenging projects (e.g., a blog leads to a book). Writing begets writing.

When you write and publish, others may benefit. But writing can have its ups and downs. When you’re inspired, your fingers probably fly over your keyboard. But when you’re not inspired, you’d probably rather be doing anything else. But if your writing is a means toward achieving a goal (e.g., writing a book), you may not have the luxury of writing only when the mood strikes you. And too long a break can block the creative flow. It’s important to write on a regular and consistent basis.

So, if you get stuck, write anyway. Even if you write it poorly, write it—you can fix it later. If you really can’t write what you’re “supposed” to be writing, write something else—a letter, a poem, a wish list, a shopping list! You can even write about being stuck. Whatever it is, write. Remember: writing begets writing, and you’ll soon get back on track. Even more importantly, you’ll find that writing begets the fact that you CAN write, the words DO flow, and that you can create PAGES of text.


Another way to look at this sensitive topic is to realize that the time you spend writing anything is time not spent worrying or obsessing about your writing. Think about it: writing begets writing. It’s not writing begets not writing.

Copyright © 2016 by Affordable Editing Services

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