Book Ad, Brochure, Flyer, or Other Promo Piece

Okay, you’ve written your book, you’ve had it edited and proofread (or are most of the way through the process), and now you’d like to tell the world about it. This can be done in person (e.g., speaking, book signings, or other in-person events) or in print (e.g., advertising, brochure, flyer, or other print media).

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Finding Time to Write

This is a common concern of some authors. How do I work my job, spend time with my family, enjoy some just-relaxing time, and still find time to write? Here are some ideas. Share This:

Writers Need Editors Because …

Here at Affordable Editing Services, we read a lot of published books (both printed and electronic). And we find lots of errors. This is especially true for self-published works.  The question is why? Share This:

Marketing is not Selling

The functions of Marketing and Selling are very different. If you ask a number of people to define each term separately, you may find that you get as many explanations as people you ask — maybe more. For example: Marketing is part of Selling, Selling is part of Marketing, Marketing is about advertising, Selling deals

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