Set Your Writing Objectives
When you have clear writing objectives, you’ll never leave your readers guessing about your message. Share This:
When you have clear writing objectives, you’ll never leave your readers guessing about your message. Share This:
There are four pillars of good writing, as shown in the graphic above. But there’s one more. Your work needs to be interesting, exciting, or somehow gets and keeps a reader’s attention. Share This:
The paragraph is a basic building block of writing, for both fiction and non-fiction. Paragraphs are the vehicles that writers use to put together a story-line or provide chunks of information. Share This:
You’ve heard the “rules”: 1) Start sentences with capital letters. 2) Never start a sentence with a conjunction. 3) End sentences with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. 4) Never end a sentence with a preposition, etc. But some of these rules aren’t actual writing rules? For some reason, someone made up several of