Unless you’re perfect, it’s likely that you have or will make some mistakes in your writing. The most common are typos, such as missing words, missing or too many punctuation marks, misspelled words, and the like. Many of these may be detected by your word processing software, but these minor errors are more mechanical than
The word “like” is one of the most common English words. It has many usages, some standard, some colloquial, and some completely idiomatic. Following is an analysis, with recommendations for good usage. Share This:
It’s reasonably difficult to define “good” writing. Many of the criteria are somewhat subjective. It’s even questionable whether good writing must meet all the grammar, spelling, and punctuation “rules”, especially if one of the aims of the written piece is to defy these rules. Share This:
Most of us grow up learning the negative prefixes by hearing them spoken in context. But, what determines which prefix to use in order to form that word’s opposite? Why is it unlawful, but it’s illegal? Why is it infirm, but it’s impaired? And how do you know what prefix to use when you need