Change Clutter to Clear

Clutter is the writer’s enemy. Clutter is using too many words, too many long or fancy words, or too many long phrases or sentences. The goal for the writer’s message to be short, sweet and to the point. Share This:


Words have power. Unfortunately, there are writers who don’t understand or who misuse that power. Here are some ideas for how to develop that power. Share This:

How to End Your Book

Ending a book can sometimes be challenging, maybe especially for fiction. If you’re having a problem with your book ending, you might find the following information to be useful. Share This:

Develop an Effective Writing Habit

If writing is not what you do for a living, or it’s not your major focus, you probably have to fit writing time in among your main job, your family, your personal time, and your life in general. So, here are some ideas for how can you develop an effective writing habit. Share This: