Some Rules and Suggestions about Spelling

Spelling, especially in English, often presents a challenge to writers. However, spelling often has less to do with intelligence than the way we remember things. And people who are called visuals have an easier time of it than others. This post contains some ideas that you might find useful. Share This:

Writing Begets Writing

The desire to write grows with writing. – Erasmus Things begets things like themselves. Dogs beget dogs. Laziness beget laziness. Worrying begets worrying. Obsessing begets obsessing. And kindness begets kindness. The same is true for writing. Share This:


This is another post on the subject of commas. It seems that, no matter how much is written about this little mark, it continues to be a dark area of writer’s understanding. While it may seem that an author can put a comma just about anywhere, or not, there are some basic “rules” or guidelines

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