Marketing is not Selling

The functions of Marketing and Selling are very different. If you ask a number of people to define each term separately, you may find that you get as many explanations as people you ask — maybe more. For example: Marketing is part of Selling, Selling is part of Marketing, Marketing is about advertising, Selling deals

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Your Author Bio as an Advertising Tool

You’ve put a huge amount of work and love into your book, and you’re almost finished. But there are those pesky front-matter and back-matter things to write. Your author bio may be one of the items that you pay least attention to, but you’re overlooking a huge advertising opportunity. Share This:

How to Promote Your Book

Following are some ideas for how to promote and sell your book. As with marketing, many of these are not one-time actions; they require regular diligence. And like marketing, the goal is not necessarily short-term results, but keeping an eye on the longer term. Share This:

Why Have an Elevator Speech?

When you give an elevator speech, you’re briefly telling someone what you do or provide. If done right, you’ll spark someone’s interest by explaining the value to them of what you or your product is about, and to stimulate further action. It’s not, repeat NOT, a sales pitch. The term “elevator speech” derives from the

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