
When you finish the first draft of your writing project, the next step is to edit your work. The purpose Is to read for organization, flow, transitions, and as appropriate, to check that your information is accurate. Share This:

How to Write with More Coherence

What is coherence? Coherence is unity in a written text that derives from the links among its ideas and the logical organization and development of its theme. Coherence can be thought of as how meanings and sequences of ideas relate to each other. The reason coherence is important is so that your readers can easily

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Book Ad, Brochure, Flyer, or Other Promo Piece

Okay, you’ve written your book, you’ve had it edited and proofread (or are most of the way through the process), and now you’d like to tell the world about it. This can be done in person (e.g., speaking, book signings, or other in-person events) or in print (e.g., advertising, brochure, flyer, or other print media).

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