What Can We Do For You?

We’re here to work with you on your project. Let’s see if there is a fit between your needs and what we do.

You need a Copy Editor if you:

…are planning on self-publishing a book.

…have an article that you want to submit to a magazine or newsletter.

…are planning on presenting a book proposal to a literary agent.

…are putting together company handbooks, manuals, etc.

…have written that great work of fiction that you want to get published.

You need a Writing Coach if you:

…haven’t started writing your work yet.

…aren’t sure that your title is an attention-grabber.

You need a Publishing Consultant if you:

…need help deciding whether your book should be an eBook or pBook (paper).

…don’t know whether to use a publisher or a printer.

…aren’t sure what to charge for your book.

…want assistance in determining what services you should buy from publishing companies

You need a Design Coach if you:

…need assistance with the design concept of your website.


If you’d like to see what type of projects we work on: Projects

We Want to Work with You If:

You’re planning on self-publishing a book.
No matter how many times we read our own work, we inevitably miss a typo, a misspelled word, maybe a double word, amongst a host of other errors. All authors need editors, whether you’re self-publishing or being published by a mainstream publisher. Let us be your copy editor.

You have an article that you want to submit to a magazine or newsletter.
Magazine editors appreciate a well-organized and well-presented article. Let us work with you to make a first good impression when you make your submission. AES can do this through our copy editing service.

You’re planning on presenting a book proposal to a literary agent.
Competition is keen these days to get the attention of a literary agent to represent your work.  That’s why you need to have a perfect proposal because you may not have a second chance.  AES knows the format required for a book proposal and can work with you to write one that can capture the attention of a prospective agent. Presenting well to an agent gives you a foot in the door.

You’re thinking of including a newsletter in your business but don’t have the time to edit it.
Let AES be your copy editor, making sure what you’ve written is well presented. It is far less expensive to use our services than have a full-time employee do the job.

You’re a small business owner and you need to have an employee handbook, training manuals, etc. that you can distribute to your employees.
AES can polish your existing work through our copy editing services. It gives you the time you need for running your business.

You’ve written that great work of fiction that you want to get published?
When presenting fiction to a publisher or a literary agent, you have to have all the chapters of the novel complete and ready-to-go. Maybe you plan to self-publish. Let AES work with you to be sure you make a first good impression using our copy editing service.

You haven’t started writing your work yet.
If not, you might want to use our writing coach service to help you organize your thoughts and decide what is essential to the final piece, whether it be a book, article, blog, etc.

You’re not sure the title of your work is an attention-grabber.
There’s a line that goes, “You don’t have a second chance to make a first good impression.” That so true for a title of a book or article. It does the heavy lifting for you. Your title can make or break your work even before one word is read. Use our writing coach service to give you a eye-catching, mind-catching title.

You need help deciding whether your book should be an eBook or pBook (paper).
There are different reasons for either going the electronic version of a book or a paper version. Who is your audience? What are their needs? What format would be most appealing to them? What is the purpose of your book? These are some of the questions that need answering to make that decision.

You don’t know whether to use a publisher or a printer.
There is a major different between a publisher and a printer. Publishers own many more rights to your book (unless there is an agreement between you and the publisher that allows you to retain those rights) than a printer. Yet, a publisher will get your book into distribution, whereas a printer doesn’t get involved. There’s more to this than meets the eye.

You aren’t sure what to charge for your work.
All authors believe in their work so passionately that they believe people would gladly fork over many dollars to have it. Companies like Amazon are changing that story, where, while not price-fixing, are bringing prices down with agreements they sign with authors. You need to know how this affects how you can price your book.

You want assistance in determining what services you should buy from publishing companies.
If you decide to go with one of the many publishing companies, you’ll find they have a long menu of options you could purchase. Do you want them to do the marketing? They’ll design your book cover and configure your layout, all for an extra price. How will you know what you really need? AES can give you prudent advice.

You need assistance with the design concept of your website.
Designing a website is very much like writing a book. You have to know where the plot is going first before you start to write. Before you even start to make the website attractive to view (which we can help you with), you need to have a plan as to how you wish your visitor to move throughout the site. This is where you really need an outsider to give you feedback on how best to maneuver within your site and whether one is successfully led to a particular action you’re seeking (e.g., sign up for a newsletter, buy a product, etc.).