This is another post on the subject of commas. It seems that, no matter how much is written about this little mark, it continues to be a dark area of writer’s understanding. While it may seem that an author can put a comma just about anywhere, or not, there are some basic “rules” or guidelines

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Helpful Resources for Writers

Whether you’re a new writer of a professional, it sometimes happens that you need assistance in your writing, whether it’s to make it more refined, better researched, or generally more effective. Share This:

Is it e.g. or i.e.?

Mixing up these abbreviations is a mistake that many writers make. Even though both are used to clarify something previously mentioned, e.g. and i.e. have two very different meanings. Share This:

Why Proofreading Matters

If you haven’t heard it before, proofreading is an essential task before publishing any work any place. Not convinced? Check out these headlines, which are absolutely real (we have the photographic evidence). Share This:

Only Handle It Once

Once upon a time B.C. (before computers), people handled lots of paper. Time management gurus taught “Only Handle It Once”. If you picked up a paper, article, magazine, etc., your were supposed to do something with it, then either file it or toss it. You were not, repeat not, supposed to put it in a

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Put Yourself into Your Writing

Many writers, especially new ones, think that they’re writing ABOUT something. In fact, many people ARE writing about something, but from their own perspective. There’s a lot of YOU in your writing. Share This:

Research: A Careful Balance

Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, you may need to do some research for your project. Few authors can write an effective book from their own knowledge base, and many, if not most, non-fiction books usually provide a list of resources used in the writing. Share This: