Splitting the Infinitive

This grammatical bugaboo has been plaguing writers for hundreds of years. In spite of rules to the contrary, there are times when a writer can “get away with it”. But how are you to know? The following guidelines will, hopefully, provide some answers. Share This:

The Misunderstood Apostrophe

The apostrophe mark (‘) has two major uses in English. Usage 1: the apostrophe signifies that one or more letters in a word have been left out. So, for example, in poetry we have o’er for over; in contractions we have can’t for cannot and she’s for she is; and in abbreviations we have dep’t.

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Commas and Semicolons

Rules for using commas and semicolons have been debated for years, and there are a number of sources that offer an opinion on how to use them. Here are a few simple or basic guidelines that work most of the time. Share This: