Tips for Getting Published

Writing can be fun or it can be a chore. You may write for yourself or you may want to publish your work. If so, here are some tips may help you get published.

  1. Read books, magazines, or any materials in your interest area. Read anything and everything you can get your hands on. Take notes. If you want to write non-fiction, learn what’s already been published on the topic you want write about. If you were a book critic, what would you say was good about a work? What looks bad? What new twist will your work provide?

    On the other hand, if you want to write fiction, what author do you enjoy reading? What authors are repeatedly on best-seller lists, and why do you think so? How does the author handle the plot? If the book is a suspense novel, for example, how does the author build the tension—and end it? How does the action unfold in the story? What about the characters? Are they believable? Do they fit the plot? What about the location(s) and all the background information?

    Read and re-read until you get a feeling for how these authors write. So, while you shouldn’t try to imitate, it’s worth a shot trying to emulate. Bottom line, are you ready to compete in your chosen market?

  2. Subscribe to as many writing magazines as you afford, or see if your local library subscribes to any. There is also a large number of online resources. Read as many articles on writing as you can. Learn from writers who know about writing.
  3. Take writing classes. There are several online courses that you can find on the Internet that will help you become a successful writer. Some of them are even free. If you prefer a classroom setting, enroll in a local (community) college writing course.
  4. Join a writer’s group in your area. If there aren’t any, find and join an online group or start a group in your own with some local colleagues.

Now, when it comes to your actual writing, here are some other ideas:

  1. Edit and rewrite. When you finish the first draft of your work, set it aside for a few days. Then, read it with fresh eyes. By doing this, you’ll see mistakes that you couldn’t see before. Repeat this process until you feel pretty sure that you’ve caught all the typos, poorly constructed sentences and paragraphs, and that the work flows smoothly.
  2. If you’ve chosen your publication channel (e.g., print, electronic) and determined who will publish your work, you need to learn their publishing guidelines and their process for publishing. If you need an agent, you need to do this research, as well.
  3. It’s now time to get your work in the publishing mill. Best of luck!

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