Change Clutter to Clear

Clutter is the writer’s enemy. Clutter is using too many words, too many long or fancy words, or too many long phrases or sentences. The goal for the writer’s message to be short, sweet and to the point. Share This:

How to End Your Book

Ending a book can sometimes be challenging, maybe especially for fiction. If you’re having a problem with your book ending, you might find the following information to be useful. Share This:

Develop an Effective Writing Habit

If writing is not what you do for a living, or it’s not your major focus, you probably have to fit writing time in among your main job, your family, your personal time, and your life in general. So, here are some ideas for how can you develop an effective writing habit. Share This:

9 More Writing Tips

There always seems to be one more tip that writers can learn in order to improve the quality and efficiency of their writing. The more tips you know and use, the more fun writing becomes. And that’s enough motivation to keep on writing. Share This:

Imagine Your Writing

Whether you’re writing fiction or non-fiction, it’s important for you to imagine what you’re writing about. Whether you’re describing an action scene or a process or a piece of knowledge, you need to be able to “see” an image of that in your mind’s eye. If you can’t see it, how do you expect your

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Disciplined Writing

The key to effective writing is to know what you’re trying to achieve at every step, and then balance your effort at each one. Knowing what you’re supposed to be doing all along the way will steadily improve your results. There are four steps, and here’s what you should be doing in each one. Share

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How to Structure Your Text

Effective writing means that, before you write one word of your text, you need to think about the structure of your piece. Structure is the skeleton of your text. It’s the framework that will help your readers understand and appreciate your message. Share This:

Why Your Text Structure is Important

Text structure is the way an author arranges ideas in a text in order to help readers more easily understand what they’re reading. If your content is clearly structured, whether it’s a blog post or a book, you’re more likely to attract readers. Share This:

Writing for Reading

Written hodgepodge! Irrelevant, poorly-written text is everywhere these days. The question is: Are you a contributor? Following are some thoughts and ideas that may help you become a more valued writer. Share This: